Swaps from TON

Connecting a Web3 Wallet and Executing a Transaction through Rubic API

This page explains how to connect a Web3 wallet, retrieve token quotes, approve tokens, and execute a transaction using Rubic API, with examples using TonConnectUI

Connecting a Web3 Wallet

To interact with the blockchain, we first need to connect a wallet. Here are examples using TonConnectUI.

import { TonConnectUI } from '@tonconnect/ui';

async function connectWallet() {
    const tonConnect = new TonConnectUI(...);

    try {
          await this.tonConnect.connector.restoreConnection();
      } catch {}
      const isConnected = (await this.tonConnect.connectionRestored) && 

      if (!isConnected) {
        const payload = await RetroBridgeApiService.getMessageToAuthWallet();
          state: 'ready',
          value: { tonProof: this.window.btoa(payload) }
        await this.openWalletModal();

Retrieving Token Quotes

Now that the wallet is connected, we can request token quotes from Rubic API.

Endpoint: POST https://api-v2.rubic.exchange/api/routes/quoteBest

async function quoteBest() {
    const response = await fetch("https://api-v2.rubic.exchange/api/quoteBest", {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
        body: {
            "srcTokenAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
            "srcTokenAmount": "10",
            "srcTokenBlockchain": "TON"
            "dstTokenAddress": "EQCxE6mUtQJKFnGfaROTKOt1lZbDiiX1kCixRv7Nw2Id_sDs",
            "dstTokenBlockchain": "TON",
            "referrer": "rubic.exchange"
    const data = await response.json();
    const { estimate, transaction, id } = data;
    // {
    //     This is an estimated amount you will get after the swap.
    //     "destinationTokenAmount": "59.859216",
    //     "destinationTokenMinAmount": "59.260624",
    //     "destinationUsdAmount": 59.86,
    //     "destinationUsdMinAmount": 59.26,
    //     "destinationWeiAmount": "59859216",
    //     "destinationWeiMinAmount": "59260624",
    //     "durationInMinutes": 5,
    //     "priceImpact": 0.21,
    //     "slippage": 0.01
    // }
    // This is the swap ID. It will be needed later for swap request.
    return data;

You get more information about quote endpoint here:

Retrieving Data to Execute a Transaction

To perform a token swap through Rubic API, we need to get the necessary data for the transaction.

Endpoint: POST https://api-v2.rubic.exchange/api/routes/swap

async function getQuoteAll() {
    const response = await fetch("https://api-v2.rubic.exchange/api/quoteBest", {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
        body: {
            "srcTokenAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
            "srcTokenAmount": "10",
            "srcTokenBlockchain": "TON"
            "dstTokenAddress": "EQCxE6mUtQJKFnGfaROTKOt1lZbDiiX1kCixRv7Nw2Id_sDs",
            "dstTokenBlockchain": "TON",
            "referrer": "rubic.exchange"
            "fromAddress": "USER WALLET ADDRESS",
            "id": "ID FROM QUOTE STEP",
            "receiver": "RECEIVER ADDRESS"
    const result = await response.json();
    const { transaction } = result;
    // {
    //     "tonMessages": [{
    //                        "address": "0:1150b518b2626ad51899f98887f8824b70065456455f7fe2813f012699a4061f",
    //                        "amount": "10270000000",
    //                        "payload": "te6cckEBAgEAqgABbw+KfqUAA...VtY85yV2h5cGA/o2ZlxGelAhaWKht7fpKSyms="
    //                    }]
    // }
    return result;

You get more information about swap endpoint here:

Executing a Transaction with the API Response Data

Using the data obtained from the Rubic API, you can now execute the transaction.

import { base64 } from 'ethers/lib/utils';
import { VersionedTransaction } from '@solana/web3.js';

async function executeSwap(
    // Transaction object, obtained on previous step from Rubic API
    // Connection object
) {
    const { boc } = await tonConnect.sendTransaction({
        validUntil: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + 360,
        messages: transaction.messages
    return boc;       

Track your transaction

Now you can track your transaction status

Endpoint: GET https://api-v2.rubic.exchange/api/routes/status

async function getStatus(
    // Your transaction hash, otained while executing transaction
) {
    const response = await fetch(`https://api-v2.rubic.exchange/api/routes/status?srcTxHash=${hash}`);
    const data = await response.json();
    const { status, destinationTxHash } = data;
    // Current TX status can be one of
    // 'SUCCESS' | 'NOT_FOUND';
    // shows the hash on the target network if the transaction
    // is successfully completed
    return status;

You get more information about status endpoint here:

Last updated