1️⃣Install SDK

Easy and simple to install

Our SDK supports installation through several sources, which include CDN and direct installation through NPM, which is recommended way.

Install with CDN

To install via CDN, simply insert a link to the js bundle with our SDK.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/rubic-sdk@latest/dist/rubic-sdk.min.js"></script>

Install with NPM and webpack

To install via NPM, just run one command in the console, but if your project does not contain web3, additional steps are required

npm install rubic-sdk

ℹ️️ Skip the rest of the steps if your have already installed web3 in your project.

  • npm install --save-dev http-browserify https-browserify stream-browserify crypto-browserify

  • modify webpack.config.js. If you use create-react-app, run npm run eject to extract config

    1. add to plugins

      new webpack.ProvidePlugin({  Buffer: ['buffer', 'Buffer'],  process: 'process/browser'})
    2. add resolve.fallback

      "fallback": {  "fs": false,  "constants": false,  "querystring": false,  "url": false,  "path": false,  "os": false,  "http": require.resolve("http-browserify"),  "https": require.resolve("https-browserify"),  "zlib": false,  "stream": require.resolve("stream-browserify"),  "crypto": require.resolve("crypto-browserify")}

Installation with npm for Angular

Installing the package from the NPM for Angular is similar, but in case your project does not contain web3, the additional steps will be different.

  • npm install rubic-sdk

ℹ️️ Skip the rest of the steps if your have already installed web3 in your project.

  • npm install --save-dev stream-browserify assert https-browserify os-browserify stream-http crypto-browserify process buffer browserify-zlib browserify-fs querystring-es3

  • Modify tsconfig.json

        "compilerOptions": {
        "paths": {
            "stream": ["./node_modules/stream-browserify"],
            "assert": ["./node_modules/assert"],
            "https": ["./node_modules/https-browserify"],
            "os": ["./node_modules/os-browserify"],
            "http": ["./node_modules/stream-http"],
            "crypto": ["./node_modules/crypto-browserify"],
            "querystring": ["./node_modules/querystring-es3"],
            "fs": ["node_modules/browserify-fs"],
            "zlib": ["node_modules/browserify-zlib"]
  • Modify polyfills.ts

    import Process = NodeJS.Process;
    export interface AppWindow extends Window {
        process: Process;
        Buffer: Buffer;
        global?: unknown;
    (window as AppWindow).global = window;
    (window as AppWindow).process = window.process || require('process');
    (window as AppWindow).Buffer = (window as any).Buffer || require('buffer').Buffer;

Last updated

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